Blenheim, New Zealand
It looks like just another aviation museum from the outside. But once you step into the lobby you can tell this is a different kind of one.
This is a depiction of Colonel Alessandro Kozahov (Imperial Russian Air Force) trying to use a grappling hook to down an enemy aircraft. This was in 1915 before aircraft have been armed.
The museum consist of two display groups. One for World War I aircraft and one for World War II aircraft. Sir Peter Jackson of movie director fame was a supporter of the museum and used his Wingnuts Films artists to design and build the sets. Then used another film industry outfit in NZ called Weta Workshop to build the mannequins. Here’s some of the ones from World War I.
The World War II section had this one of a British flyer who had to parachute from his plane and landed in a cocktail party during the Battle of Britain outside of London. Pilots have all the luck!
There is an outfit in New Zealand which build new Mosquito Bombers from forms from the original ones. The Mosquito was unique because it was made mostly of plywood. Which gave it a low radar signature, but the British built them from wood because aluminum was in short supply.
Most of the aircraft on display are still air worthy. The Hudson Bomber above was found in the jungle and after recovery was returned to the same setting as it was found. The museum group continues to restore aircraft on site.
Much more interesting than just a display of aircraft.